Tuesday in Berne - 24th August 2004

See also: Tuesday in Berne    Wednesday in Ahrensburg    Thursday in Stade    Friday in Hamburg    British Day    Sunday in Bergedorf    Monday in Blankenese

Our first day in Hamburg - a family holiday rather than a dance tour - Martina's house is typical of those in Hamburg's Berne suburb.

The "schloss" a big house bought by the community

Rosie & Bridget went to school with Sarah, then we cycled to the nearby pond.

In the evening we joined Zugvogel for their weekly practice, including the social dances...

... including one from China which we westerners all found difficult.

Then back to the club for a beer and some food!

See also: Tuesday in Berne    Wednesday in Ahrensburg    Thursday in Stade    Friday in Hamburg    British Day    Sunday in Bergedorf    Monday in Blankenese