Rotherwick School

21 July 2001

Today, together with Zugvogel, we were booked to dance at Rotherwick School, but met up first the Water Witch at Odiham. As Gill and Kirsty weren't to be with us, Martina and Florian were "volunteered" to learn Johnny Sharpe. Here is the first practice, with frisbees in place of garlands!

Once at Rotherwick, we watched the children perform a number of maypole dances.

After which our band lined up...

And we danced a set of dances including the multi-national Johnny Sharpe.

Then Zugvogel performed

The children copying their movements...

Concluding with the babysitter's dance

Then we concluded with the Rose

(which Helen obviously enjoyed!) and Zugvogel joined us to dance off.